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Einstein E La Formula Di Dio Pdf File. E la banalita’ del male. Download sony vegas crack. Albert Einstein nacque ad Ulma il 14 marzo del 1879 da una benestante famiglia ebraica, figlio. Compatibili con le ipotesi fondamentali di Lorentz e Einstein”. Planck mostra che le equazioni “relativistiche per il moto degli elettroni” si possono far discendere da un principio d’azione. Hermann Minkowski formula la versione quadri-dimensionale della cinematica relativistica. Einstein E La Formula Di Dio Pdf Merge Mac Nombre de usuario o correo electr. 15 Responses to “Guattari’s Schizoanalytic Cartographies. The Asahi Shimbun is widely regarded for its journalism as the most respected daily newspaper in Japan.
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Preview — L'equazione di Dio by Amir D. Aczel
Who would have thought a mathematical constant would make such an engaging character? God's Equation: Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe, mathematician Amir Aczel's tale of the search for a scientific explanation of the universe, features the cosmological constant in a role as complex as Einstein's. The great genius referred to it as his 'greatest blunder,' b..more
Published 2008 by Il Saggiatore (first published 1999)
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Nov 09, 2011Steven Percifield rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This book was totally humbling and at the same time inspiring. As neither a mathemetician nor a physicist, it was humbling insomuch as it opened a door (just a small crack) into s discipline in which I have only a glimmer of a background.
It was inspirational insomuch as it showed how infinite the concept of the universe is and what an infinitesimaly small part of it each of us is.
The fact that it addressed the subject in terms simple enough that I can claim a glimmer of understanding is a testa..more
Nov 18, 2008Danielle rated it it was ok · review of another edition
This was over my head.. I lost him when he began using 3 or 4 pages to describe a single equation. What I got out of it? The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. How do we know this? I have no idea.. I think that's what the book was trying to explain. Oh well -- the parts I did understand were very interesting.
Dec 19, 2010Jake Wasdin rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Great read. Aczel told how Einstein developed the theories of relativity with a special emphasis on the mathematics behind it and then told of later developments with the equation. However, the biographical information and story-telling attributes kept me engaged and there was a lot of look at the physics, cosmology, and astrology going on even though mathematics was obviously the focus.
Dec 18, 2009Ron rated it liked it · review of another edition
My head hasn't hurt this much since I read Hawking's Short History of Time.
More like a text than a story. Too much biography and extraneous details. If he wants to tell the history of the Cosmological constant, do so. Don't confuse matters with unrelated stuff.
I don't see that an open, expanding universe is such a problem.
(See my comment for a discussion of Missing matter.)
Dec 24, 2017Gary rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Really good book, but definitely a hard read. The history of how Einstein’s General Theory developed, and the depth and meaning behind it all is absolutely mind bending! What a GENIUS!!! I’d highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the development of our Universe.
Aug 06, 2018Larry rated it liked it · review of another edition
Liked the book but mathematical details lost me big time. Interesting to see the progresion of Einsteins work. Too much biographic detail of some of the sub characters. Would hae loved more about his later life. Gave me some new insights into Generla Relativity and non Euclidian space.
Jul 16, 2019Imzen Akbar rated it really liked it · review of another edition
This book was an interesting read. This shows how far we have come and the quest for a theory of everything.
Nov 26, 2012Robert Maier rated it liked it · review of another edition
You want to read this book because you think it will reveal the deepest secrets of the universe and answer, why? It offers much to think about, and pretty clearly shows the progression of the Big Bang origin of the universe which began with astronomers like Galileo and advanced maths of the 1700s. Einstein built his theories of relativity on many shoulders.
At the end of the day (spoiler)there are still several competing theories leading to a universal theory of how the universe sprang from nothi..more
Nov 03, 2012Darren rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Thankfully, for a book with God in it's title, there is zero religious connotation in it's content; it is pure science. However, there are more than a few equations cited in this book, but the reader need not fret as the equations do not hinder nor strengthen the books overall effect; they do give the story validity - there is no stronger proof than a mathematical one.
Soon after publishing the special theory of relativity in 1905, Einstein started thinking about how to incorporate gravity into h..more
Feb 21, 2017Brian rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I solved the equation and my book burst into flames. That can't be a good sign. I loved that book too.
Aug 28, 2008Brent rated it liked it · review of another edition
Amir D. Aczel has an amazing penchant for taking highly technical and scientific concepts and communicating them in a very clear and, I suppose, dumbed down manner for those of us who haven't studied physics or mathematics. He does exactly that in this book as he covers Einstein's development of the general theory of relativity and it's implications on our understanding of the beginnings and future of our universe.
I was really fascinated by the concepts in general. As a humanities guy, I never s..more
Jun 25, 2007Erin rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Who can I persuade to read this book? Must you be a mathematician to get excited about it? Einstein said, 'Math is Nature's language for describing herself' (or something very near that). This book, wonderfully written in very comfortable prose, made me see math as a language for the very first time, and to catch a fleeting glimpse of the joy of math. Can you believe I said that? I am NOT a mathematician and only a B student at it, but perhaps this book is what high school math teachers should o..more
Aug 09, 2016Tom Schulte rated it liked it · review of another edition
The Einstein field equations (EFE; also known as 'Einstein's equations') are the set of 10 equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity that describes the fundamental interaction of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. The Einstein field equations (EFE) may be written in the form:
[image error]
This is, basically, 'God's Equation' here and the history of its development. As such, it is a biography of Einstein, including some very human revelation a..more
Mar 31, 2012Ed Terrell rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
At a point, some 13.8 billion years ago, there was nothing. Then came the big bang. Time and space emerged from a white hole. January 1, on the cosmic calendar. It was 'a day without a yesterday'.
Aczel is a great writer and makes any subject that he tackles enjoyable and enduring. God's Equation, starts with Einstein and special relativity where the mathematical tools (Lorentz transformations and math of space-time worked out by Minkowski) required already existed. It took Einstein 10 more years..more
Jun 13, 2013Lim rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I still remember vividly the day I picked it up in 10th grade. It was meant as a birthday gift for a female friend who was into Physics yet I ended keeping it for myself. Although I couldn't understand half of what the author was saying, I could hardly put the book down. At times it felt like a gentle, captivating narrative into the formation of general relativity and theories about our expanding universe for the layman, while at others it left so much for later investigation when I become more..more
Jul 22, 2014Gary Beauregard Bottomley rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The book was originally published in 2000. The only flaw with the book is that I listened to it in 2012. He explains the general theory of relativity so well that you will be able to explain it to others. He explains its relevance to the than recent discovery of the expansion of the universe and dark energy.
This book is well worth your time. Isaacson's Einstein biography better covers the general theory but is 21 hours long, and the '4 Percent Universe' covers the expanding universe and dark ene..more
Aug 13, 2014Ann rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Aczel starts with Einstein's biography and presents his personality as background to the development of his ideas and his relationships that facilitated their development culminating in cosmology. This is a wonderful historical summary. The intricacies of the math and physics are kept to a respectable, accessible, yet meaningful minimum, so those less comfortable with these need not cringe. The personalities and significance of the developments are brought to life. Quite enjoyable read. Highly r..more
Jul 06, 2014Ema rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I had no idea what to expect from this book, but I picked up this book wanting to understand better what Einstein's theories were. Even though there was very little math, the mathematics was over my head, but somehow the book kept me interested to the end. Having come no step closer to understanding Einstein's general theory of relativity I still enjoyed reading this book. It gave a very readable portrayal of how Einstein came to discover his theories as well as his quest for the unifying theory..more
Jun 10, 2010Michelle Lyle rated it liked it · review of another edition
Much drier than I expected. Heavy handed on the math, which is fine - but I was expecting more of an Einstein character study. The writer left me disliking Einstein more than when I started, which would be okay had that been his intention, but it definitely wasn't. I think he's just too clinical of a writer to inject the kind of emotion needed to find the sympathetic parts of Einstein's character.
Oct 09, 2018Pedro Assunção rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
In 1919 Arthur Stanley Eddington - a british astrophysicist - was asked: 'Is it true that only three people in the world understand the 'Theory of General Relativity'?. He answered: 'Who's the third?'.
This book is amazing to help any individual without physics knowledge get a superficial understanding of the 'Theory of General Relativity'.
For sure I am not one of the individuals in this world that understands it, but the book helped me get closer.
Mar 11, 2016Tyleach Watkins rated it liked it · review of another edition
There were parts of this book that I really enjoyed and it gave me much more insight into what was happening during the time that Einstein came up with his theories. I was surprised to see all of the supporting work that went into creating and testing the theories. Since I am not a physicist, I felt that a lot of the more technical details were above me though I did try to decipher them. In the end, I just decided to take it on faith and move into the heart of the story.
Mar 03, 2014Isaiah the Ox rated it liked it · review of another edition
An interesting book, looking more at the more science side of Einstein. The book had the interesting histories of other historical mathematicians and scientists. The book was interesting- but I did find it a little boring at some spots.
Nov 17, 2013Sybilla Archer rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I'm quite taken with anything that makes me think a bit, and Dr. Aczel's books do this. I'm not a scholar by any means - in fact, some of this stuff I didn't even know. But he does a decent job of explaining it, though sometimes the prose itself is a bit flat. I'll read others.
Apr 21, 2010Maggie rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Aczel writes about science (physics and astronomy) and scientists, mathematics and mathematicians all in terms that the curious-minded untrained person a.k.a. the layperson can easily come to terms with what is best known about the history ideas in these areas. highly recommended.
Sep 19, 2007Melissa rated it really liked it · review of another edition
My sister-in-law gave us this book and I really like it. It helps a lot to have some understanding of chemistry and physics but I think someone who didn't have a science background could also really enjoy it.
Jan 29, 2014dejah_thoris rated it liked it · review of another edition
Can't help but love reading about Einstein and Aczel's lucid explanations of the seriously complex world of non-Euclidean geometry and advanced physics really helped clarify some theories I've read about previously.
Feb 21, 2010Christina rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Its very interesting, but many of the concepts are beyond my understanding. All together it is an interesting book, but I think that it needs to be re read for full understanding. But at least now I begin to understand wny had trouble with high school geometry.
Sep 26, 2008Rjt28orama7 rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Fascinating. Gotta love Quantum Physics and how even now this book is WAY outdated as far as the current science is concerned.
Jan 05, 2014Johnnelle Walker rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Aug 11, 2007cheri madden rated it liked it · review of another edition
This book spent way too much time on insignificant details, which made it boring. Einstein was many things, but boring was not one of them.
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Amir Aczel was an Israeli-born American author of popular science and mathematics books. He was a lecturer in mathematics and history of mathematics.
He studied at the University of California, Berkeley. Getting graduating with a BA in mathematics in 1975, received a Master of Science in 1976 and several years later accomplished his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Oregon. He died in Nîme..more
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(Capire la filosofia - 2011/2012 #11)
Un passo da gigante per la storia della scienza e un importante contributo per la filosofia. Le teorie scientifiche di Einstein rivoluzionano la fisica newtoniana, consegnando la visione inedita di un universo più ampio e complesso, in cui lo spazio e il tempo diventano relativi. Intuizioni e scoperte che inducono anche il pensiero filosofico a interrogare in modo nuovo la..more
Published December 16th 2011 by Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso S.p.A.
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Piergiorgio Odifreddi is an Italian mathematician, logician and aficionado of the history of science, who is also extremely active as a popular science writer and essayist, especially in a perspective of philosophical atheism as a member of the Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics.
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